Born in 1944 in Chiba, Japan, Saburo started exploring in Zen, Buddhism, hypnotism, fasting, movement therapy, Hatha yoga, etc. at the age of 23.
In 1977, he and his wife started studying at the Oki yoga dojo, where he met his lifelong teacher, Oki Masahiro, and became his student after being inspired by his teachings.
After more than a year of training, he founded the Family Yoga School in Matsudo, Chiba in 1979 and opened a classroom in Kanda, Tokyo the following year. This school reached its 40th anniversary in 2014.
While running the classroom, he started holding retreats and fasting guidance, which he continues to this day. He has taught in many locations overseas, including Taiwan, Brazil, Australia, and the US, creating a network around the world.
He currently is an advisor of the Republic of China Oku Yoga Association and a director of the NPO Oki Yoga Association.
Books: 「YOGA」・「身体に聞くヨガ」(現代書林)・「ストレッチとほぐし動作」(現代書林)
「心のヨガ」(Amazon Kindle)・「Stretching and Hogushi Massage」(Amazon Kindle)
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