Minaka Nagai


When Minaka was a junior high school student, she came across the Musou Principle, a form of diet by Hideo Omori, through her mother. She stopped eating animal products when she was in high school and went on a completely grain and vegetable based diet in the year 2000 when she became pregnant with her first daughter. She also studied onomancy with Hideo Omori. Minaka has developed her own form of macrobiotics by learning from Michio Kushi, Koji Matsumoto, Eiwan Ishida, and Hideo and Kazue Omori, who were the direct disciples of Yukikazu Sakurazawa, the founder of macrobiotics. In 2004 and 2007, her two sons were born at home, and in February 2014, she moved to Hawaii temporarily to teach macrobiotics there for a year and a half. She then moved to California in July 2015 to teach macrobiotics for a year in Scotts Valley, Sebastopol, Los Angeles, San Jose and Berkeley. Since 2005, she holds La Cocina De Minaka, a cooking school at Tokyo and Yamanashi. She presides various lectures on macrobiotics, cooking classes, detox & no-salt practicing camps, inspection consultations, onomancy consultations, online courses, and more. Minaka has instructed nearly 2,000 people around the world and manages Manamahalo, an organic restaurant that provides natural shaved ice.

Completion of Eio Omori’s medical course and Kazue Omori’s cooking instructor course
KIJ Certified Kushi Macrobiotic Instructor
KI Certified Kushi Macrobiotic International Instructor
Completed Master of Matsumoto Juku

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On the day my mother came home from her first lecture on macrobiotics by Dr. Hideo Omori, she told me and my siblings about it. The story of the universal law using the words of yin and yang was very interesting, and I found my way of life there while I was still a child. I am a life given to me by nature, a part of nature.
Living in accordance with the natural order of the universe has made my life richer, more fulfilling, and more enjoyable.
By knowing yin and yang, it makes life more meaningful by coexisting with everything on earth.
I have been teaching macrobiotics for about 15 years, hoping to pass on the knowledge of yin and yang I have, to the next generation. While enjoying and deepening the endless learning of the Musou Principle every day, I would like to share macrobiotics with as many people as possible to make the realization of a richer life possible, and to pass it on to the future generations.