Born in Tokyo in 1984, Shugo was raised by parents who practiced macrobiotics. From elementary school to university graduation, he brought brown rice bento lunches to school.
At the age of 15, Shugo became interested in macrobiotic food and began incorporating its principles into his life.
After completing a Master’s degree in business management, he joined the Japan CI Association and worked in magazine editing, learning about macrobiotics around the world.
Along with Yasuhiko Katsumata, the President of the Japan CI Association, and Tomoo Takakuwa, the current director of the Sakurazawa Research Center, Shugo helped establish the Sakurazawa Research Center and worked to organize Sakurazawa’s materials. After transferring to Ohsawa Japan, he mainly engaged in trade operations and worked as a intermediator for macrobiotics with oversea countries.
In 2011, following the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear contamination crisis, Shugo worked to propose a solution to the issue using the approach of macrobiotics. This led to the publication of “Cool Fusion” (Low-Energy Nuclear Transmutation) by Edward Esko and Alex Jack of the American Kushi Institute. In response, he translated and published a Japanese version of the book from AMA Japan, which his father was responsible for.
At the age of 30, Shugo resigned and joined AMA Japan to promote ecology-related activities, focusing on the conservation of seeds and ancient wheat varieties, including the oldest ancient wheat called Einkorn (one-grain wheat).
He began to introduce Julia Ferre’s translation of “Food and Intuition” from the American macrobiotic foundation GOMF (George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation), founded by Herman/Cornelia Aihara, to the monthly magazine “Macrobiotics” published by the Japan CI Association.
Shugo participated in the dissemination of macrobiotic yoga and Preksha meditation activities that was founded by the Japan CI Association from Yukikazu Sakurazawa and Masahiro Oki (founder of Oki Yoga).
Together with Masahiro Isogai, the representative of Macrobiotics Wado, and Mikiyoshi Moriyama, the representative o Kutsurogi Kobo, he launched a project to promote macrobiotics called “RESET” through Amapro, a company run by his friend.
At the age of 34, Shugo joined CHAYA Macrobiotic Foods as a staff member to expand the reach of macrobiotics and ancient wheat Einkorn. He worked to promote macrobiotics to a wider range of people than just those interested in natural foods. He also started the Sakurazawa Research Institute to study modern societal issues from the perspective of Takeji Saito, the last disciple of Yukikazu Sakurazawa.
A proposed book introducing a macrobiotic approach to prevent and recover from COVID-19, titled “COVID-19 A Plant-Based Macrobiotic Approach to Prevention and Recovery,” written by Edward Esko, Alex Jack, and others, has been published. Further, a Japanese version of the book was translated and published by Kiyomi Noda and others, with a postscript written by Masahiro Isogai.
Realted Links
有限会社AMA Japan 所属(Net Shop ama-eco、Cafe&Bar ama-eco運営責任者)
合同会社アマプロ所属(RESET by Macrobiotic methodプロジェクト・マネージャー)
株式会社CHAYAマクロビフーズ 所属(スタッフ)
Cool Fusion(翻訳者)
Food and Intuiton(翻訳者)
EINKORN~The Origin of All Wheats~(アインコーン(一粒小麦)~全ての小麦の原種~管理者)
マクロビオティック・ヨガ (運営スタッフ)
桜沢如一研究会 (事務局長)
Macrobiotics was already a part of my family’s lifestyle when I was born, but I became conscious of it myself at the age of 15.
Since then, through practicing various forms of macrobiotics both in Japan and abroad, and through my work and daily life with so-called regular members of society, I have been living with the question of “what is macrobiotics?” in my mind.
In 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a global shift in lifestyle and work.
I feel that macrobiotics has a wealth of wisdom to offer for living in the times to come.
It is an age when it is easy to put Yukikazu Sakurazawa’s motto, “Do not eat what does not play” into practice.
I hope that this era will serve as a chance for increasing the number of macrobiotic comrades.